What is the teacher student ratio?
On average teacher student ratio for Playgroup, Nursery class is 1:10 and for LKG and UKG is 1:20.

What are the school timings?
Normally, we have a playschool period of 3 hours to 4 hours but the timings differ according to class. The three hours span is divided into different activities as per the curriculum.

What grades of classes are available?
We have the format of Playgroup, PH1, PH2, PH3, and PH4, wherein parents can also refer as Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Upper Nursery, LKG and UKG. We have definite curriculum for all levels and provide the designated admission kit for children at the time of admission.

 What activities undertaken throughout the curriculum plan?
There are various activities undertaken to groom children in various aspects of life and make them learn different values. Some of the recreational activities include Yoga, Dance, Festival celebration, Music, Birthday celebrations, Annual concert, etc.

Why should I choose Knowledge Kemp over other school?
We follow a distinctive pattern of curriculum based on 1:1 teaching methods. Children are given individual attention. Proper care is given. No communication gap between the school and parents. Evaluation is done on weekly basis.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00am – 02:00pm
Sat: 09:00am – 01:00pm
Public Holidays: as advertised